
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Frugal Cat Care

Our cats are our fur babies. With that being said, it's no surprise that Americans spend billions of dollars on their cats each year. However, there really are ways to have frugal cat care.

Frugal Cat Care #1: Accessories

Believe it or not; your cat doesn't care what brand of toys he plays with. So, this part of frugal cat care takes some creativity because you'll want to look for things that you already have that he can play with. This includes things like rolled-up paper and plastic rings from milk cartons.

Frugal Cat Care #2: Food

Unfortunately, when it comes to frugal cat care the one thing, you don't want to skimp on is his food. Low-quality food doesn't give your cat the nutrients he needs. This can cause him to have expensive health problems.

Frugal Cat Care #3: Look For Deals

With this frugal cat care tip, you're going to need to sign up for wholesale catalogs. This will save you the middle-man markup that pet stores charge. You should also talk to your vet to see if he knows of any specials. Furthermore, keep in mind that February is National Pet Dental Month, the second week of May is National Pet Week, and October is National Pet Wellness Month. Oftentimes there are special deals then as well.

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