
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Be a Frugal Healthy Mom

Being healthy and being frugal don't have to be polar opposites. There are lots of things that you can do to be a frugal healthy mom. Take a moment to check this out for yourself...

Frugal Healthy Mom Tip #1: Water Is Your Friend 

Drink plenty of water to make sure your brain gets lots of oxygen, which keeps your organs clean. Add some lemon for flavor.

Frugal Healthy Mom Tip #2: Small, Frequent Meals 

Eat small portions more often. This stresses your body out less since it has a steady fuel supply.

Frugal Healthy Mom Tip #3: Watch What You're Eating 

Eat more fish and chicken while decreasing the amount of beef you eat. Fill up on more vegetables, especially raw ones, as well as whole grains, seeds, beans, and nuts. At the same time, you'll want to avoid fast food, fried food, white bread, over processed food, sugar (replace with Stevia instead), caffeine, and alcohol. Fill up more on salad, grilled meat, fresh fruit, yogurt, and tea. If you're having a difficult time with this, which is common with frugal healthy moms who are always on the go, consider using a food journal. This one even has a great, encouraging reminder on its cover.

Frugal Healthy Mom Tip #4: Take a Deep Breath of Fresh Air 

Deep breathing relaxes your muscles and energizes your body. You'll need plenty of these as a frugal healthy mama.

Frugal Healthy Mom Tip #5: Exercise Is Your Friend 

Get out and exercise. This is a great way to increase your energy level. Take a 30-minute walk outdoors and you'll get plenty of vitamin D too.

Now that you have a better idea of how to be a frugal healthy mom, here's to your health!

Be a Frugal Healthy Mom

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Temporary Tattoo Allows Diabetics Monitor Glucose Levels without Needles

The tattoo measures glucose levels in fluid between the skin cells, which reflects levels ...

As a Diabetic (Type 2) one of the last things I want to do is always prick my finger to test my glucose levels. Fortunately, Amay Bandodkar, a grad student at the University of California, San Diego is now creating a temporary tattoo that allows diabetics to monitor these levels without the use of a needle.

This works by measuring glucose levels in the fluid that's located between the skin cells, which reflects the levels that are in your bloodstream. Many people feel that this type of a test would be much more fun and a lot less painful. There are precisely-patterned electrodes that are printed on temporary tattoo paper. You would then apply this to your skin.

A "very mild" electrical current must also be applied to your skin. Sodium ions in your skin's fluid migrates towards these electrodes. There are glucose molecules in those ions. A sensor that's built into the tattoo measures the electrical charge that's produced by the glucose thus being able to determine the glucose levels that are in your bloodstream. This is just as accurate as the traditional needle testing.

Right now there's no numerical readout. However, a separate device is being developed for this. The team is also working to make more durable tattoos so that they'll last for longer than a day. Fortunately, these are very inexpensive.

In all honesty, I'm glad that this day is coming. I look forward to using these instead of pricking my finger. What are your thoughts about them?

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The What and Why of Antioxidants

More than likely you have heard the term "antioxidant" by now. However, do you know what it is, why you need it or how you get it? Probably not. So, herein what you need to know about antioxidants will be explained.

The first thing that you need to know about in order to understand antioxidants is the process of oxidation. This is a fundamental and necessary biomechanical reaction. Not all forms of this process are helpful though. There are some that forms that happen at the wrong time and are thus disastrous to your health. However, antioxidants can be a big help in helping positive oxidation to occur so that you will have sustained, good health.

Antioxidants also play a key role in keeping the proteins in your cell membranes from being damaged. These proteins are large, complex and specialized molecules. They control the functions of important cell membranes, which are the basic defense system that lets nutrients in, sends waste products out and prevents entry of toxic and viral invaders. As such, they are actually responsible for immune responses. However, oxidation interferes with this process by splitting up the molecules and thus destroying it. Fatty acids can also be destroyed in this way.

It is important to understand that you can also come into contact with the oxidation process outside of your body. Sources for this include exposure to radiation, air pollution, synthetic hormones in food, pesticides, over-the-counter and prescription drugs and food additives. Of course, some of these things are things that you cannot easily avoid. This is why it is important to make sure that your body has plenty of antioxidants, which enable good oxidation to take place.

You can find antioxidants in really green, fast growing plants. This is because sunlight, which is a high-energy source, drives the photosynthesis process. In effect, photosynthesis is the opposite of oxidation. So, plants contain a large supply of antioxidants so that they can be protected from the dangers that sunlight can cause. It is these antioxidants that you will want to consume.

Some of the other great places wherein you can find antioxidants include immature barley and wheat grasses. Zinc also has a lot of antioxidant power, which is why it is used so much during the cold and flu season.

It is also a good idea to avoid partially hydrogenated foods whenever possible. This can be found in processed foods, air pollution and medications. A great way in which to counteract this is by drinking green tea, which has a lot of antioxidant power.

Furthermore, if all else fails, you can take specific vitamins so that you get more antioxidants. One of the best ones that I have found is Shaklee's Glucose Regulation Complex. This "food supplement," as Shaklee prefers to call their vitamins, contains both Zinc and antioxidants. As an added benefit, this is a good choice for diabetics who would like to get off of their glucose products. However, you should contact your doctor before starting it.

So, now that you understand just how important antioxidants are and where they can be found, you can start helping your body out by taking more of them. Here's to your good health!

Understanding Facial Waxing Products

Today there are a lot of facial wax products available to choose from. You will be able to choose from name brands that will help you to rest assured that they will work well for your skin. Of course, when you deal with a name brand, you also know that it will be relatively easy to find the next time that you need it. Regardless of the density of your hair growth or the level of your skin's sensitivity, there are enough facial waxing products on the market today that you will be able to find something that will work great for you.

Benefits to Using Verseo Epen

Electrolysis will cost you quite a bit of money if you have it done at a spa or salon. You will also find yourself having to return to the salon time and time again as this hair grows will back. However, with the Verseo Epen you can remove hair in the comfort and privacy of your own home, at any time that is convenient to you. This is great for anyone who wants electrolysis hair removal without the high cost. 

Ease the Pain of Sunburn

While we all hate getting sunburns and a lot of us would do anything to get rid of the pain that they inflict, there's 1 thing that a lot of people have in their kitchen cupboard but oftentimes overlook: A tea bag! All you have to do is steep it in some hot water, let it cool and in 5 seconds it will suck the pain right on out of your sunburn. I thought that was rather interesting...

What do you do for sunburn pain?

Starkey Hearing Aids

Starkey Hearing Aids just happens to be one of the world's largest hearing aid manufacturers. This company is also one of the very first manufacturers to have offered a warranty on the different types of hearing aids that they sell. They also offer their customers a free trial period to ensure that they will be satisfied with their products prior to actually purchasing them. Their most economical model is the three-channel Aspect.

Traits of the American Wirehair Cat

A Wirehair's coat differs from that of a Cornish Rex in that it has all three hair types but the Wirehair gene is dominant. This hair is crimped, hooked or bent to give them a dense, resilient coat that forms ringlets instead of waves. This is true of all of their hair - their down, awn and guard. There are significant variations present in both the texture and the length of each cat's coats with the most preferable being short, very dense and coarse to touch.

What Your Hair Says About Your Heart

Researchers have discovered that your hair really does have a lot to say about the condition of your heart... For instance, if your hair is thinning at the crown, then your risk of developing heart disease increases 18%. If you're bald, then you're also 30% to 40% more likely to develop heart disease. However, if you only have a receding hair line, then you have nothing to worry about.

The American Bobtail Cat's Personality

American Bobtails is a developing feline breed. These are playful, energetic and friendly, cats that seem to be able to escape from almost anywhere. They are also very people-oriented and will demanding your attention through their meows or simply by taking over your lap. As far as activity, they are very fun-loving and frisky but they are by no means overactive. This is why they make such a great pet.

10 Stress Management Tips

1. Stop smoking as this stresses your body out.
2. Nurture and enjoy your relationships.
3. Use a firm mattress and supportive pillow to get good sleep.
4. Give yourself a treat each week.
5. Take a look at things from other people's point of view.
6. Verify information from the source before exploding.
7. Worry less, as it doesn't get things done better or faster.
8. Go on a vacation each year.
9. Set goals each year based upon your priorities.
10. Look at each day as a gift. Smile and be thankful for it.

Types of Tattoo Removal

There are several types of tatoo removal CT available for your consideration today, including:
1. Laser surgery is the most common. Herein pulses of laser light penetrate your skin breaking the pigment into little fragments. Your body will then clear away the fragmented ink. 
2. Excision is an option for small tattoos. Herein the tattoo is surgically cut out and the skin is sewn together. Whenever this tatoo removal CT method is used on a bigger tattoo, a skin graft may be necessary.
3. Dermabrasion is where the skin over the top of the tattoo is basically sanded away. A chemical spray is used to freeze your skin so that you don’t feel this. However, it is necessary for several sessions to be used with healing periods in between.

How to Know If a Dog Isn't the Right Pet for You

While you may want a dog, you may not be ready for the commitment. Here are 7 ways to know when a dog isn't the right pet for you:
1. You're not home enough to take care of him.
2. You or someone in your home is severely allergic to dogs.
3. All you really want to have is a puppy.
4. You're not financially stable right now.
5. You always have to have your home look just perfectly.
6. You think that your children will be able to take care of it all by themselves.
7. You're unable to commit to having a pet for a period of at least 12 years.

Dogs That Shed the Most and the Least

Some dogs that shed a lot include:
1. Alaskan Husky
2. Alaskan Malamute
3. Labrador Retriever
4. German Shepherd Dog
5. Golden Retriever
6. Siberian Husky
7. Akita
8. Chow Chow (pictured above)
9. Great Pyrenees
10. Saint Bernard
On the other hand, some dogs that don't shed much at all include:
1. Poodle
2. Bichon Frise
3. Toy Poodle
4. Chinese Crested
5. Yorkshire Terrier
6. Maltese
7. Chihuahua
8. Maltipoo
9. Goldendoodle
10. Labradoodle
Now you'll be better able to get the right breed of dog for your family.

4 Ways That Owning a Dog Can Make You Healthier

Owning a dog can actually make you healthier by:
1. You'll get more exercise since you have to actually walk the dog.
2. You'll experience better overall health because you're engaging in healthier behaviors as a dog owner.
3. Your mental health will improve as you'll be happier, healthier and more adjusted than those who don't have a dog since dogs provide social support.
4. There's less likelihood that you'll develop allergies, this is especially true of children who grew up with a dog in their home.

Ways to Bring about a Good Night's Sleep

Here are some ways in which to bring about a good night's sleep:
1. Whenever you find yourself tossing and turning for more than 20 minutes, get up out of bed.
2. Turn the alarm clock so that you won't be able to stare at it throughout the night.
3. Try different sleep positions or talk to your doctor about any snoring problem that you might have.
4. Don't have stressful conversations while in your bed.
5. If your bed mate is a covers hog, get some blankets for yourself so that you too can feel comfortable.
6. Make sure that you do nothing but relax during the hour before you go to sleep. Don't use a computer, tablet or phone during this time.
7. Put a white noise machine in your room.
8. Try some yoga to help achieve a state of deep calm.
9. Do away with all sources of light in your bedroom. However, a small night light is a good thing to have so that you don't trip if you have to get up in the middle of the night.
10. Make yourself a cup of banana tea: Peel a banana. Cut the top and bottom off of it. Place it in a cup of boiling water for 3 minutes. Strain the water and enjoy.
11. Don't have dinner within 2 hours of bedtime.
Don't drink a glass of wine before bed.
12. Do some mental exercises instead of focusing on things that make you feel stressed.
13. Write down what's on your mind and set it aside, literally.
14. Do some relaxation exercises.
15. Avoid drinking caffeine for 6 hours before bed.
16. Soak in the tub for 30 minutes before going to sleep in order to make your muscles relax with you.

An Ounce of Prevention...

They say that an ounce of prevention goes a long way and prevention is the best medicine whenever it comes to DIY home security. Make sure that you have both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed throughout your home. It's also important to have several fire extinguishers, as well as an emergency escape route. While it's great to have all of these things, it's just as important to check their batteries on a regular basis, practice your escape route and monitor the fire extinguisher's pressure.

Short Haired Guinea Pigs

Whenever you stop and think about guinea pigs (a.k.a. cavies), you probably think of short haired guinea pigs. They have short, smooth hair and a wide nose. While these guinea pigs do require you to groom them on a regular basis, they're not nearly as bad as a long-haired guinea pig. There are actually several different types of these guinea pigs available for you to choose from, including Agouti Guinea Pigs, and either the American Crested or English Crested Short Haired Guinea Pigs.

Types of Short Haired Guinea Pigs

There are several types of short haired guinea pigs including:
1. The American or English short haired guinea pigs are the most common type of guinea pig to be kept as a pet because they don't need much grooming and they come in a lot of different colors (almost any color).
2. The crested guinea pig looks a lot like the American or English short hair but they have a crest on their forehead that's either white or the same color as the rest of them. Their body is usually all the same color.
3. The Agouti has short, coarse hair that's mostly dark but flecked with either a darker or a lighter color.
4. Dalmation guinea pigs have short white fur with darker patches like a dalmation dog.
5. Teddy guinea pigs have short curse fur that's either wiry or fuzzy, making them look like a fuzzy toy.
6. Rex guinea pigs look like the Teddy but are genetically different.

Guinea Pig Patterns

There are 3 main patterns that guinea pigs come in:
1. The Marked Pattern is unusually white with another color mixed in throughout it.
2. The Self Pattern is solid-colored throughout the entire body.
3. The Solid Pattern is similar to the self pattern but it tends to include other mixed colors of fur. However, it's important to note that in order for a guinea pig to be a solid pattern guinea pig the colored fur cannot create any type of pattern or marking or else it will be a self pattern.

Guinea Pigs

There really are a lot of different kinds of short hair guinea pigs, all of which come in a variety of patterns. This is great in that it truly creates a large array of guinea pigs for a pet owner to choose from. It's also great because typically you won't ever see any 2 guinea pigs that are the same. Therefore, you can enjoy looking at so many different, cute guinea pigs without ever getting bored of them. This is actually part of the reason that so many people are drawn to them today. :-)

Ways To Lose Weight Without Trying

If you're 1 of those people for whom dieting doesn't work, here are some ways that you can still lose weight:
1. Cut out the carbs 2 days a week. Opt for lean protein, healthy fats (i.e. olive oil) and non-starchy vegetables (i.e. mushrooms, broccoli, tomatoes) instead. Avoid breads and potatotes.
2. Get more sleep and you'll feel full and reach for carbohydrates less.
3. Keep a food diary.
4. Dress like a skinny person. Wear stylish clothes instead of sweats and lounge wear.
5. Skip sweet drinks or at least drink 1 less per day.
6. Use smaller plates, around 9 or 10 inches across instead of the typical 11 inch plate that's used today.
7. Eat out less often to trim your waistline and fatten your wallet.

What Skinny People Are Eating

Instead of counting calories or fat grams, try eating these foods instead:
1. Nuts digest slowly to help you feel full longer.
2. Popcorn is a better option than potato chips.
3. Spicy foods promote weight loss.
4. Water - People tend to think they're hungry when they're actually thirsty.
5. Fruit (2 - 3 servings per day) will help you feel full and satisfied longer.
6. Oats are super filling and make a great blank canvas since you can add anything you want to them.
7. Proteins like chicken increase your lean muscle mass, keeping your metabolism revved.
8. Breakfast jump starts your metabolism and prevents you from overeating later in the day.
9. Dark chocolate will save you from other cravings and contains healthy antioxidants too.  

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Get your healthy deals on 2/11/2015

Jergens Moisturizer Coupon & Rite Aid Deal

Jergens Moisturizer Coupon & Rite Aid Deal

Buy (2) Jergens Ultra Healing Moisturizer, 12.5 oz ($6.43)
Use (1)  $3.00/2  Jergens Moisturizer Printable Coupon
Use (1) $2.00/1  Jergens Body Lotion, RITE AID COUPON (adperk.com)
Pay $1.43, or just $.72 Each


Target: FREE Nature Valley Protein Crunchy Granola

Buy 1 Nature Valley Protein Crunchy Granola $2.69 (Sale thru 2/14)
Pay $1.94 & get back $1.00 wyb Nature Valley Protein Granola with Snap and $1.00 wyb Nature Valley Protein Granola with Checkout51

Triaminic Product 4 oz Free (Reg. $1) @ Dollar Tree

$1.50/1 Theraflu or Triaminic Product, exp. 2/7/15 (SS 01/11/15)
$1.50/1 Triaminic Product, exp. 3/7/15 (SS 02/08/15) [4-oz.]
Final Price=FREE

Want more coupons, freebies, steals and deals? 

Visit Keep Calm & Coupon

Make sure to follow me on G+ for more deals throughout the day too!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Get your healthy deals on 2/10/2015

Walgreens: $.49 Colgate Toothbrush Deal

Buy (3) Colgate Enamel Health Toothpaste or 360 Toothbrush – $3.49
Use (2) $2/1 Colgate 360 Enamel Health Toothbrush or Colgate Optic White Toothbrush Whitening Pen, exp. 9/20/14 (SS 09/14/14)
Pay $4.47
Get 3000 points ($3) wyb 3
$0.49 each after coupons & points

Target: Dial Complete Foaming Antibacterial Hand Wash 

As Low as 87¢ Shipped!
Use your Target REDcard for an extra 5% off and FREE shipping and pay just $.87 each!
Dial Complete Foaming Antibacterial Hand Wash - 7.5 oz

Free sample Quest Nutrition bar

Target: Puffs Facial Tissues Only $0.46 Per Box (Starting 2/8)

Buy 2 Puffs Facial Tissues 10 packs $8.29
Use 2 $0.25/1 Puffs Product (exts & Puffs To-Go) coupon (zip code 68130)
And, use 1 $1/2 Bounty Towels 6ct+ or Puffs 3ct+ Target Mobile coupon (text THANKS to 827438)
And, use 5% off Puffs Facial Tissues Target Cartwheel
Pay $14.30 & receive a $5 gift card
= $4.65 per pack or $0.46 per box!

Want more coupons, freebies, steals and deals? Visit Keep Calm & Coupon

Monday, February 9, 2015

Get your healthy deals on 2/9/2015

Free sample of AdvilPM

WALMART: Rice Dream Non-dairy Milk FREE With New Coupon!

Dream Non Dairy


Rite Aid: $.49 Reach Toothbrushes (starts 2/8) No Coupons Needed

Starting on 2/8, Rite Aid will have Reach Toothbrushes Double Pack priced for $2.99. They are also offering a $2.00 +Upr as well making them only $.99 for the pack and $.49 each.

CVS: Curel Ultra Healing Lotion

$3 now 49¢

Want more coupons, freebies, steals and deals? Visit Keep Calm & Coupon

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Get your healthy deals on 2/8/2015

Martha Stewart Essentials Vitamins: $2.51 Moneymaker

Buy (1) Martha Stewart Essentials Vitamins $7.49
Use (1) $5.00 when you buy ANY ONE (1) Martha Stewart Essentials Vitamin Supplement
Use (1)$5.00/1 – Martha Stewart Essentials Vitamin Supplement, ShopRite eCoupon
$2.51 moneymaker after coupons

Free Sample Premier Protein Bar

Walgreen: $2.62 Special K Protein Bars or Shakes! ($5 Value)

2/8/15-2/10/15 ONLY
Buy (8) Special K Protein Bars or Shakes, $4.99
Use (4) $2/2 Kelloggg's Special K Protein Meal Bars and/or Protein Shakes printable, exp. 3/6/15
Pay: $31.92, Get $6 Balance Reward for 8 Special K + $5 Points Booster when you spend $30
Final Price: $2.62 Each 4 pack!

Thru 2/14/15
Buy (4) Special K Protein Bars or Shakes, $4.99
Use (2) $2/2 Kellog's Special K Protein Meal Bars and/or Protein Shakes. exp. 3/6/15
Pay: $15.96 OOP, Get $3 Balance Rewards
Final Price: $3.24 Each 4 pack!
special k

Aquafina Bottled Water only $0.27 at Target!

Target Deal:
Buy (1) Aquafina 1 L, $1.02
Use $0.75/1 Aquafina (Ibotta Deposit) [Any variety; 20-oz. bottle or larger]
Final Price: $0.27
Ibotta Aquafina

Want more coupons, freebies, steals and deals? Visit Keep Calm & Coupon