Are you craving something you know you really shouldn't eat? Would you like to find a way to thwart that unhealthy craving? Here are some suggestions:
- Substitute a healthy option that has a similar texture or taste. For instance, you can substitute things like pickles or pretzels with hummus for salty snacks, and fresh fruit for sweet snacks.
- Try Weight Watchers recipes. They have a lot of healthy options. If you don't want to pay for their pre-cooked meals, check out their cookboooks instead.
- Understand why you're craving certain foods. Although a lot of cravings are emotional or circumstantial, there are real medical reasons behind some of them too.
- Always have snacks around for when a craving hits. Keep things like fat-free pretzels, fresh fruit, sugarless fruit strips, pickles, low-fat string cheese and hummus in your home, at your desk and in your car.
Awesome tips, thanks for linking up with us for Wellness Wednesday